
Vettai puli tamil movie
Vettai puli tamil movie

vettai puli tamil movie

Their pranks are silly but bring a smile.

vettai puli tamil movie

They run a paper called Pappa and both dress up as children in school uniforms. Visu and his wife Manorama are publishers in search of this story upon getting some lead. Visu plays two roles one of the inspector helping her to find her parents and one of the publisher. Sulakshana is OK as the London returned educated princess.

vettai puli tamil movie

A few songs with fisher women in picturesque locales of palm trees and river banks later he meets Sulakshana and her inspector friend Visu. When he realises that Karthik has become aware of this, he gets Karthik and his father killed.Karthik some how escapes and from here starts the hunt for the real princess. He has brought some one else in her place to grab her entire property. The story slowly unfurls that the princesse's uncle has imprisoned the king ( Delhi Ganesh ) and the queen ( Pandari Bai ) while their daughter, the actual princess Sulakshana is studying in London. Upon hearing about the arrival of his childhood friend the princess from London he rushes to see her but realises soon-that she is some imposter. Here, Karthik is the son of a loyal servant of the local king in Roja Theevu a small township near Srirangam. The greenery is soothing to the eyes, so is the small palace of the back ground. This movie is shot in lush locales of Kaveri river. All their movies are for family audience.

Vettai puli tamil movie